CS Curriculum
CS4NorCal Curricular Options
CS4NorCal Curricular Options
Elementary Grades
Elementary Grades
CS Fundamentals from Code.org
CS First, from Google for Education
Hello Ruby, Adventures in Coding
Scratch Jr Extension and Scratch Encore, from MIT
Middle School Grades
Middle School Grades
CS Discoveries, from Code.org
Bootstrap Algebra, from Brown University (integrating CS and algebra)
Project Guts, from MIT (integrating CS and science)
High School Grades
High School Grades
CS Discoveries, from Code.org
Exploring CS, from UCLA and the University of Oregon
CS Principles & AP CS Principles, from Code.org
AP Computer Science A, from the College Board
Curriculum Technology Requirements
Curriculum Technology Requirements
In service of equity and access, the curriculum supported in the CS4NorCal research project has minimal technology requirements. Please consider the following details: